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Yam Fries

Cut up yams into .5cm thickness.  Olive oil and possibly spices for taste.
Bake at 425 for 21 minutes.  Then toss the yams and bake again for another 10-15.  IF the pieces are thinner the sugar will start to burn.

Chili Salmon

Oil and Put fish on baking Tray

4 salmon fillets

2 tbsp olive oil


Potato Wedges

Cut into wedges and leave the skin on the potato.
cut in half legth wise. do not cut down the center
olive oil
even ratio
1 salt
1 italian seasoning
1 garlic powder
1 paprica
mix together like yam fries. 

bake at 400 for 40 minutes.

High Protein Diet 2500+

  • 3 banana (~225)
  • 1 Cup Oat meal (~400) (Protein)
  • 4 Wasa Crackers & Cheese (~450)
  • Black Beans 1 Cup (~625) (High Protein) (High Carbs)
  • Kidney Bean 1 Cup (~600) (High Protein) (High Carbs)
  • Large Yam (~400) (High Carbs)
  • Large Avocado (~320) (High Fat) (High (Carbs)
  • Chicken / Beef / 
  • 1 cup milk (100)
  • 1 Large egg (75)


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